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AGM Update

April 29, 2024

The ASBA AGM was held Sunday April 21, 2024 at 1888 Lounge at Red Shores Charlottetown, PEI.   With a full room of members there was much to discuss.  An announcement from President Rosanne Langille that the NSHRIA would be contributing $400,000 to the Atss program was the most welcomed news of the day.  Langille expressed the gratitude to both Nova Scotia Ministers of Finance, Honorable Allan MacMaster and  Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Greg Morrow.  Their commitment to the harness racing industry has been greatly appreciated by the industry in Nova Scotia which includes our breeders, owners, trainers drivers, and fans.

The ASBA directors would like to express their thank you to PEI Director Bobby Gordon who resigned after his three year term.  Bobby was a great voice at the table for our breeders and we appreciate all he has done for the industry.    All the best in the future.

Kerry Taylor of Stratford, PEI has joined the ASBA.  Congratulations Kerry and we look forward to working with you.




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